Summer Bakes 2023, Part 1!
Was it a scorching hot summer where you live? What a silly question – it seemed to be blazing just about everywhere. I’m surprised anyone felt like eating at all, but luckily we were pretty busy baking. Remember you can always order what you want from our website menu, but don’t hesitate to ask if we can make something you don’t see there!
Here are a few of the bakes we made in June:
*Click on a picture to see the caption.

May 2023 Highlights!
Though we were closed for a week (Savannah! Beautiful homes! Delicious food! Wonderful nature! Fab drinks! Great tours! Lovely coffee shops!) We still were able to make some fun things this month for some sensational customers. *If you want to know what's in the...
Happy 2023!
Happy New Year! I'm here to announce our delicious new offerings. We will be bringing back our annual special Valentine's Day macaron packs. Orders will begin at the end of January for the limited number of packs, and the flavors will be announced soon. These macarons...
What’s Happening?
It's been a while since we last spoke! Thanks so much to those of you who continued to celebrate birthdays, give gifts and eat sweets during the lockdown and subsequent aftermath. You don't know how much we appreciate your orders! Hopefully you all are taking the...
Word to Your Mother
In case you have lost all track of time, let us remind you that Mother's Day 2020 is less than a month away! Sunday, May 10th is the day here in the US that we are set to honor the women who raised us. Due to the current state of things, though, you might not get to...
Mardi Gras Macarons
Wanting to create a Mardi Gras-influenced macaron, and not growing up in Mobile or New Orleans, we were on the hunt for the traditional flavor of a King Cake. According to my not-vast and skimmingly short research, as well as conversations with friends from New...
Order Your Unique and Delicious Valentine’s Day Gift Now!
Think about how many Valentine's Days you've lived so far. Do you follow the sitcom version of gift-giving every year - you know, big heart-shaped box of chocolates, roses delivered, diamond cuff links or perhaps a dinner out? Honestly, there's nothing a bit wrong...